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Tobruk Campaign 25 - Printable Version

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Tobruk Campaign 25 - TWC_Padre - 03-04-2025

Good evening, Team.

The CO posted the following on the ATAG Forum and in the TWC Discord Tobruk channel:

Ok coding finished 229,000 lines so now i need 12 dedicated players to fly on some Saturday morning 9 am us time. 6 blue 6 red this keeps testing simple and reporting even better. We need 1 dedicated bomber pilot, to attack 2 targets in the briefing and destroy to 20% health or (sink) hint.

1 dedicated recon pilot to go take pictures of the target last known coordinates will be provided in briefing. This pilot can then fly anything needed for the group radio communications mandatory on our discord.

4 dedicated fighter or fighter bomber pilots . This is vital to take the position in the briefing both sides have completely different objectives. Ai may protect targets but not like real pilots could. Radar? mmmmmmmm don't know yet, think fog of war more appropriate for desert with some leeway for limited radar.


Players spawn and communicate as to a plan of action formulated. Briefings read and decisions on how to proceed . This mission starts and recon pilots take off to recon the 2 targets listed, while waiting on recon, bomber pilots could start bombing the chosen airfield fighter pilots could choose to escort to ensure the destruction of the airfield or search for the enemy along the front lines or the enemy recon or enemy bombers choices should be made as a group as a plan of attack and committed to.                                                                                                                    

This is a capture the flag type mission it ends when one side captures an enemy airbase chosen at random by the computer and re stocks it with aircraft, fuel and ammo so it can be flown out of. When this happens map should close ending mission 3 min cool down time map starts back with new lines drawn lose 3 bases campaign is over.

We can have a discussion about what happened as a group of pilots to make improvements on a different time or date.

So now we need to find the dedicated pilots and a dedicated server to test on.

To express your interest, go to either of the links posted below, and let TWC Fatal know. If there are any vacant spots, he will let you know.

The original ATAG message can be found here:

The original Discord message can be found here:

RE: Tobruk Campaign 25 - Fatal_Error - 03-08-2025

thank you Padre