Authentication: Visitor


After Action Report:

Flight/Section/Pos: N/A / Hammerheads 1 / #1 Flight Leader
Name: ''
Date: 2020-07-28
Base: Nacho
Type: Supermarine Spitfire
Serial Nr.:

Freakin' General was not shown, so I had to fly recon to find him...
23,000 feet from top of the map to BE11 to Ba9
then the Lahavre area,
then home,
Sheesh, what a long, lonely flight...

1/2 hour after landing at Sandown, friggin map says a new recon is needed
AV- (well, I forget)
But it was Dieppe to Abbyville...

Out of wilmington,hour round trip, finally got to find the General.

By the way, Thank you Flug, et al, for the General scenario...
keeps me on my toes...

Ground claims:

Pilot status: OK
Aircraft status: OK
The Wrecking Crew - Mission and Pilot Database - Ver: 1.5 - For support contact Thaine at