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Please advise why my 7/9/20 posts were deleted?

I had important notes for Fatal in that thread
about his AAR report system.

WHen I reposted thinking there was an error
they were deleted again!

Whats going on!

Dave, I believe its because it was alleged you were accusing a player of cheating in a public forum (In the video) without hard evidence, naming the player?
I vaguely remember the first post and you had Identified a player by name?

If you suspect someone of doing something of that nature, it would be prudent to post it in the closet so it can be examined in the first instance prior to public announcement.

Thank you Spook,
AT least that makes sense...

I will refrain from names from now on.

(an exemption from "ranting" is Not included...)

I only even posted it because I shot down "The Bane" of one of our
most frequent members, & thought he would enjoy it.
But, in examining it closer, it just seemed too easy...
Something was not right, like the guy had disconnected from the game somehow...

So I posted the video, with commentary, asking for opinions,
& all of the opinions that I received were that the kill was deserved,
& no foul play detected. End of discussion...

I thought this is what a Forum was designed for,

True Dave and I am one of the TWC's champion advocates for open discussion which I have employed more than once with mixed results and opinions from other TWC members, past and present. However, if we think a player is suspect with a "cheating claim" who is a frequent visitor to one of TWC's mediums, perhaps in the advent of misunderstanding borne of circumstances unknown to us, the video in the 1st instance is posted and examined n the private forum before we actually name them. After all, while abhorrent of any cheating employed in any game we play, we too encourage all pilots to frequent our site/forum and dont wish to unnecessarily cause bad opinion, intentional or otherwise. If the player had not been named, then the video and the topic of discussion would have been perfectly acceptable to the admins. Our first "duty" is to the TWC's good name. That doesn't mean we have to be pussys about it and that every now and again "someone," needs to be pulled on about an issue, but we should avoid identifying someone as a cheat until we have confirmed or majority opinion on it. In this instance, it was out there first with subjective opinion to follow.

On a positive note, you did the right thing in videoing the incident if making a claim or asking the question. The internet is full of cheating calls without any basis of fact and its one of my irks when I hear people whining about things like stick stirring, print screen keys, speed hacks etc when the most likely scenario is they we re subject to an internet / computer glitch or just got bested and dont like losing. So there's a little rainbow in your otherwise cloudy thread Smile

Other than that, the forum / Discord is for open discussion. Honest truths may be told until the CO pulls the discussion so long as the other party also has the opportunity to have their say.

I should add, while I did not conduct this administration, I do for the reasons described above support it.

Keeping posting your videos, you offer something different with your narratives and your enthusiasm to contribute to the squadron by doing so, is appreciated by many.

Just had a very nice Chat with Ke (hmm-no names)
while on the Campaign server.

It turns out I was right that there was no one in control of the plane
when I shot him down.

Because he was switching from pilot to rear gunner
and could not get back to pilot due to a keyboard button press foul up...

I understand this well, as I just had an instance where in chat I hit something
that put me in programming mode, & I have no idea how to get back.
(plane lost)

Personally, I cannot consider this a kill worthy of putting a sticker on my plane,
& look forward to meeting my adversary under ideal conditions in the near future...

[Image: 1f44d.png]

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