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TWC Tobruk and Channel 1941 Servers

Does anyone have an update on the status of the Tobruk and 1941 Channel Servers? Been checking the forums here and ATAG, but all seems a little confusing, the only info I could find is  which eluded to the cost of running the servers with too few players contributing.

Would be great to get the TWC Tobruk server back and operational again. Also the 1941 Channel Server is often offline, the only one I have seen up and running is the 1940 . I appreciate that these servers cost and that Fatal funds any donation shortfalls per month; however if its a matter of server costs maybe advertise this under the Servers List page (i.e. where Team Fusion / DangerDogz / ATAG etc. are listed); where the summary server description is provided. In this server description maybe provide a hyperlink to the TWC Forum donations page. That way people who select and fly the server might be inclined to contribute a nominal amount. It would be a shame to see the TWC Tobruk and 1941 servers disappear as these are the only servers where there is more to do than just plain old mass dogfighting with no end game in sight.

Administration is very busy these days so Fatal has taken down Tobruk for maintenance and it will be back when it is all nice and shiny.....who doesn't like shiny objects..... For now English 1941 is running (no password required) and arrangements have been made to monitor the server.....its already nice and plane set in the to like that......who doesn't like cannons. So come on down and fill your boots :-)

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