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Noodle Application

F.Name - Evan

DOB - 6/16/87

Current Timezone - EST

Games Played - IL2, Elite Dangerous, MSFS2020, Squad, slowly learning DCS

Aircraft Preference - Prefer Allied (P38, Spit, Tempest) but I'm open to anything on either side (Only own Bodenplatte though)

Personal Detail (Hobbies, Career, ect.) Married and work in digital marketing. Just built my first pc but grew up obsessed with all the flight sims back in the 90s and am pumped to get back into it. When not glued to a screen I'm usually outdoors -- fishing, camping, hiking, kayaking, etc.

How did you hear about us? Have flown with Kingfish several times and got a recommendation. Always down to play games with a chill but organized crew of grownups.

Welcome to our roost. Here's your personal Discord invite, verify the rules and we can get you set up with the channels for our several fronts. Sp00k (the XO) should be along later to fill in any blanks I may have left.
I can meet you on discord at your convenience to lay out our few SOP's.

"Chill but organised grownups" *makes a note to the TWC Propaganda Officer, "use in next recruitment poster.."
Great to see you made it to our shore Noodle. We have another digital marketing guy in our ranks. I see you made it to TWC Discord and appropriate permissions have been dispensed by the officer cadre. Look forward to seeing you on our wing shortly. Post a pic of a fuselage motif you want on your fuselage so our intrepid crew of skinners can make up your skins. We have specific TWC skins for each aircraft flown (most of the aircraft in there).

See you on the wing soon!

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