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Hey, SomeNewGuy, AAR 1/13/20

Hahaha. I'll check them out, thank you for all the input.

Leave the review to me bud, just record an upload.

I only need about 2-5 minutes worth of footage, depending on how I decided to finalize it. The first movie is just to be a propoganda/website welcome.

Everything after that will be videos for youtube.

I would LIKE to start getting videos made on a weekly basis. Of they get enough views + ad revenue then that money can go towards hosting the site and servers.

Hopefully we can (eventually) fully subsidize with the ad revenue. I don't think it entirely possible as you woild have to have a pretty fair amount of views to get the scratch we are looking for, but every bit helps.

None of the proceeds will go towards any TWC members, I assume that to be understood, but wish to make it clear.

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