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Cliffs of Dover - Track file viewing

Here is a rough and ready guide on how to View a track file in CloD.

1] Main Menu - 'Extras'

[Image: ViewingTrackFileCloD1.jpg]

2] Extras Menu - Tracks

[Image: ViewingTrackFileCloD2.jpg]

3] Track Select Menu - Select

[Image: ViewingTrackFileCloD3.jpg]

4] Track Select Menu - Choose your Track File then Open

[Image: ViewingTrackFileCloD4.jpg]

5] Track Player Menu - ensure these options are selected then Play
* Edit Time - allows you to fast forward and to slow down (there is no rewind)
** Edit Views - allows you to change the view
*** Hide Icons - Hides any Icons
**** Hide Interface - Hides any and all interfaces (generally, I only select this on clips for videos) ((here be dragons))

[Image: ViewingTrackFileCloD5.jpg]

6] Viewing the track file - looks like the game is broken - press F1 to sit in the pilot seat of the player who recorded the track file

[Image: ViewingTrackFileCloD6.jpg]

7] The 'View' Category of your controls will give you options not normally usable in servers like our 'Campaign Server'.

[Image: ViewingTrackFileCloD7.jpg]

8] The 'In-game Time' category gives you options for manipulating the time in your track file.

[Image: ViewingTrackFileCloD8.jpg]

This is the 'basic' track file viewing.  There are a few other things that can be done.  You can record another track file, from your track file - as an example.  Sounds crazy, but this means when making a video - you can prepare shorter clips to record from.  Really helpful as there is no rewind feature.

I hope this helps.

^ Click the pictures to get a larger view (if required).

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