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TWC Campaign Server

Good morning!

When I logged onto the server this morning, and checked Tab-4-6 to see what primary objectives were remaining, I chose to fly a recon over AP3-AR5. At 24,000' I began my recon over AP3 snapping several pictures as I made my way to AQ4 then AP5. Several of my recon shots came back with the message "It looks like there are no valued objects in this sector (or something like that). I just kept snapping pictures mostly getting the same results. Once I had arrived at AP5 I turned around and began making my way back to AP3, again snapping more recon photos, still at 24,000' mostly being informed that no valued objects were being found. Once I made my way back to the inlet, I decided to turn towards Le Havre, as I know there are target there, and began snapping recon photos. As i flew over Le Havre I started getting messages that valued targets were being found. I made my way back to the channel, then turned northward to fly of the Le Havre air base, again snapping recon photos every 15 - 30 seconds. I continued my way up the coast until I began receiving the message that my recon was no longer finding valued targets, and turned my nose towards home. I dropped to to a manageable altitude where I was able to have a little more control of my aircraft and pick up some speed. I was greatly tempted to take a couple a runs on a flight of bombers, but chose to resist the temptation by reminding myself that my mission was to recon. If I don't get the film back for processing my mission would be considered a failure, so I chose to head home. Once I arrived, the film was unloaded and sent for processing. I was a little disappointed with the results: I located 2 fuel dumps, 4 objects that had not been previously reconnoitered, 2 object that had been previously reconnoitered, but what I found most troubling (aside from very few objects being found in the numerous recon photos taken) was that no airfields where reconnoitered even though I flew directly over Le Havre airfield. Also, I did not receive credit for reconnoitering AP3-AR5. Did I mention I was at 24,000'? Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Thanks for reporting the crashes.

As near as I can tell, the server crashes for generally two reasons:

 #1. When Steam goes down, even just for a few minutes (or maybe a few seconds--more than maybe 10 seconds).

 #2. If the server loses internet connection--again even just for a few seconds will do it.

#1 is far, far more common.

It is just the way the CloD servers are designed.  The second they lose connection to Steam the program shuts down and unfortunately there is not a lot we can do about it.

What I've noticed since starting running the longer sessions is that Steam actually shuts down quite often.  Usually it is for a minute or less.  But it down.

When that happens, the server will restart.  Unfortunately.

The only good news is, the server will restart again at the same time of day (unless it is very late in the day).  So it just continues where it left off.

But unfortunately if you 30 minutes into a giant bombing raid or whatever, you'll just have to start it again.

(If you're in the middle of a recon flight your photos are saved, though--they can still be retrieved next time you're on the ground at a friendly airport.)

I did a long recon Wednesday night, starting from Marquis West heading over Littlestone, then over to Portsmouth, then up to Redhill, then London , and finally, running out of time, made a beeline back to Marquis West. I marked the clock from the moment I took my first photo, until the moment I landed, and it took 56 minutes. I got several messages over then next few minutes that many photos were spoiled, due to being returned too late. I was under the impression that we had 1 hour from the moment the photos were taken to get them back. I was very careful about checking the time.

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