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Tactical situation radar map

Sorry for the late response.

The password can be found in the campaign server, when you are logged in and ready to fly, under the "Tab 4" menu.  Tab-4-4-4-9, I believe - but something like that. Look through the Tab-4 menus and you'll see it.

The password is a secret that only pilots of that army know, and that is why you have to join the server and choose an army before using the Tab-4 menu to request the password.

It's different from any other password we use for anything else, and different for each of the two armies.

FYI the password for the "Test Server" is "twc" (for both armies). So you can try that (and if you are in the Test Server and use Tab-4-4-4-9 it will give you that password as well).

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