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  Sunday Mission
Posted by: TWC_Padre - 10-26-2020, 04:49 PM - Forum: New Stuff - No Replies

Sounds like I missed out. Just read/watched the following on the ATAG Forum:

Unfortunately, Sundays are a 50/50 chance that I can make it ... and this past Sunday I was unable to make it  Sad

Maybe next time.

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  BrotherLamp Application
Posted by: BrotherLamp - 10-17-2020, 02:45 PM - Forum: Recruitment - Replies (1) T. Samuelsen
DOB: September 3rd 2001
Timezone: BST
Games played:
IL-2 Great Battles
DCS World
Aircraft preference: I enjoy flying aircraft of all types, don't have a particular favourite at the moment

A bit about me, I started getting interested in flight sims when I was about 12, I started flying when I was around 13, but for the last few years I haven't quite had time to fly due to school and now work, I currently work as a hybrid between as an assistant network administrator and a janitor at a hotel.

I heard about you on the IL-2 Forums

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  TWC Operation Desert Sword
Posted by: Fatal_Error - 10-14-2020, 08:25 AM - Forum: New Stuff - No Replies

TWC is close to releasing its New Server for Tobruk and we we be conducting testing for the next 3 weeks. It will be know as Desert Sword

I am going to leave the password here until the test finishes and we are satisfied with the game play.

When you first enter the server select an aircraft and check the Tab 4/6 menu for current operations...this is what You have to do to win the current state of the map

The server works like this, the computer picks 2 bases fairly close together one allied one axis these are the focus airbases.

The computer then selects 6 random targets for each side could be a ship could be a moving convoy but 6 for each side.

Now it gives out recon assignments for the six targets....these must be re-coned at +10,000 ft. and photos must be returned to base safely.

Once targets are re-coned they appear in the tab 4/6 menu for anyone to go destroy.....

Now the real hectic ground war starts If the Focus airfield and all 6 targets are taken out then the focus airfield is attacked by no less than 60 vehicles......

If just 6 can get on the focus airfield for 5 min then the airfield is won and the map will move.

However if 6 fail to make the airfield then the opposite side will rush 60 vehicles to the field with the same rules.

This continues until 1 side or the other wins the airfield...

As an example lets say blue won Halfaya airfield now the computer would pick a different airfield for blue to attack and red would have to regain Halfaya
before it could advance further.

Same applies if shoe is on other foot.

the tab 4 menus gives many options and I will put them in a separate thread once we have the working 100%

REMEMBER we are testing some things may not work yet please let us know and we will focus our attention on this item help us make this what it can be and fill the server...

a word about Ai the more live pilots the less AI, 20 pilots means no AI so please help us this work out.

Ok now that you have read the above the Password is Gulf

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Posted by: ranger01 - 10-10-2020, 08:59 PM - Forum: 'The Usual Place' - Replies (3)

Hy all.
After a couple of montts absence I forgot the password to enter the servers CloD-BoB and  Tobruck. Any change since the end of August?
Grateful to anibody giving me the PW and any "pearl of wisdom"!

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  UTC Application
Posted by: UTC - 10-07-2020, 04:53 PM - Forum: Recruitment - Replies (7)

Hi guys, UTC here. 

 F.Name Chris
    DOB Feb 10 75
    Current Timezone Pacific
    Games Played WW2Online, Il2 Clod/Tobruk
    Aircraft Preference Wellington
    Personal Detail (Hobbies, Career, ect.) Helicopter pilot/Business owner. I tinker with aluminum and have built (not complete) a Avro Lancaster sim which I use to fly Clod with.
    How did you hear about us? From the server list in Clod


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  Happy Birthday Fatal!
Posted by: TWC_Padre - 10-03-2020, 03:48 PM - Forum: 'The Usual Place' - Replies (4)

Well I'll be .... Happy Birthday my friend!

I stumbled across this message on the ATAG forum:

I hope to meet up with you today and wish you in person. If unable to, hope you have a fantastic day!

My gift to you, my favorite Chuck Yeager quote:
     If you can walk away from a landing, it's a good landing. If you use the airplane the next day, it's an outstanding landing.

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  Sorrows_End Application
Posted by: Sorrows_End - 10-01-2020, 01:58 AM - Forum: Recruitment - Replies (2)

F.Name Patton S.
    DOB August 1985
    Current Timezone - CST
Games Played
-IL2 (Boddenplatte)
-Elite Dangerous
-MSFS 2020

Aircraft Preference
-P51 (just started with IL2 and learning)

Personal Detail (Hobbies, Career, ect.)
-Pc building/gaming
-Miniature Painting
-History buff
-Cyber Security Engineer
-Soon to be dad

How did you hear about us?

-Saw recruitment adverts on the official forums

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  Noodle Application
Posted by: Noodle - 09-27-2020, 03:15 AM - Forum: Recruitment - Replies (2)

F.Name - Evan

DOB - 6/16/87

Current Timezone - EST

Games Played - IL2, Elite Dangerous, MSFS2020, Squad, slowly learning DCS

Aircraft Preference - Prefer Allied (P38, Spit, Tempest) but I'm open to anything on either side (Only own Bodenplatte though)

Personal Detail (Hobbies, Career, ect.) Married and work in digital marketing. Just built my first pc but grew up obsessed with all the flight sims back in the 90s and am pumped to get back into it. When not glued to a screen I'm usually outdoors -- fishing, camping, hiking, kayaking, etc.

How did you hear about us? Have flown with Kingfish several times and got a recommendation. Always down to play games with a chill but organized crew of grownups.

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  Hey Flug!
Posted by: Dave - 09-27-2020, 01:44 AM - Forum: The Wrecking Ball Theatre - No Replies

While you weren't looking,
I finally got one of your Subs!

Although, it took all 8-40 pounders to do it...

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  Getting very close to release of our territorial conquest server for Tobruk
Posted by: Fatal_Error - 09-24-2020, 03:15 PM - Forum: New Stuff - Replies (1)

ok as you all know TWC_Flug has worked his but off getting our ideas about a territorial conquest map working and the first part is done now working on part 2 so thanks for the help and here are a few notes from the genius himself about what to do in the server if it is only you and a friend or 2 

here are Flug's thoughts:

P.S. What you're seeing if just a few people are in the server is a lot of AI activity.  But remember that once there are about 10 pilots in on both sides, the AI will retire and it will be mostly breather vs breather.

The AI is there to take up the slack when live pilots aren't in the server.

To take over an airport and advance the front, I think it will take at least 3 good pilots working together as a team--or ideally three good teams all working together in a coordinated way:

Team #1. Takes out the enemy ground aa, artillery, tanks, and ground units in & near the airport. (Clear the area to 3500m from the airport.)

Team #2. Provides air support to Team #1, shooting down or at least tying up any enemy air forces trying to interfere with the ground operation.

Team #3. Protects the friendly ground forces moving to occupy the airport, then flies cap over the airport to protect the ground taken. This could be one flight or as many as 4-6 flights, because that is roughly how many ground units are moving towards the airport.  Ideally, every ground unit has its own air cover.(edited)
: Forgot to mention - now you have to get you 10 friendly vehicles on the airport (within 500 meters), clear the area of enemy (out to 3500 meters), AND hold that airport with at least 10 ground vehicles, for 5 minutes.

Also, while you are leisurely picking off enemy ground targets around the airfield, enemy fighters will take a strong exception to your efforts and try to put a stop to them.

Those are the two things that make it impossible (I believe!) for a single pilot working alone to turn the map.
Communicate, work together, work in teams.  Check Tab-4-5 so you know the current status & what you need to do.

A small, well-organized team can do it, whereas individual hot-shot pilots working alone, most likely not.
If you're on the server alone or with just a couple of people, it might be an exercise in frustration to try to turn the map (or--an extremely difficult challenge?)

But there are a number  of things you can do instead to support the cause & help the group turn the map in the near future:

- Seek out (recon?) and destroy any nearby radar units.  You'll blind the enemy's defenses. (Keep in mind AI uses the same radar as live pilots do, to locate & attack enemies.)

- Take out nearby enemy airports.  If they have to fly from far away to defend, it will be all the more difficult.

- Repel enemy attacks on YOUR airports, radar, supplies, ground units, armour units, etc etc etc The more of those enemy bomber raids you can stop, the more airports, vehicles, planes, radar info etc etc etc you'll have to help the cause.

- Generally take out enemy armor, shipping, bases, etc  All these help the cause. And as usual, anything knocked out is knocked out for a while--until the enemy has time to repair it.

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